Tooth jewellery treatment Before & After | Tooth jewellery clinic in delhi
With Tooth jewellery, a hole isn’t drilled through your tooth. Instead, the jewelry is carefully attached to the tooth’s surface. Gems are available in all different shapes and sizes. Meraki Dental Studio is the best Tooth jewellery clinic in delhi. Your safety is our priority and we ensure this with everyone’s health promise. We provide international quality treatments by using the latest technology available in dentistry such as TMJ therapy, Teeth whitening and Invisible braces. Tooth jewellery clinic in delhi
Some popular choices include:
- Diamonds
- Sapphires
- Rubies
- Crystals
Tooth piercings are usually done on a tooth in the front of your mouth, away from the gum area. According to Bang Bang Body Arts in Massachusetts, temporary tooth jewellery can last up to 6 weeks. If you opt for semi-permanent tooth jewellery, you can leave it on as long as you like.
The tooth piercing procedure is fairly straightforward. You should not experience any pain before or after the jewel is placed.
- Tooth prep: Before its procedure, your tooth enamel will be cleaned and prepped. An acid etch will be used to clean the tooth.
- Composite application: A bonding agent and composite (a resin material made for teeth) will then be applied to the area where your jewelry will be placed.
- Jewelry placement: A piercing expert or dentist will use the instruments to secure the jewelry into the composite.
- Setting: A special lamp cures or hardens the composite. It only takes approx 20 to 60 seconds or so for the jewel to set into the composite.
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Aftercare: You should avoid brushing your teeth vigorously and eating spicy or sticky foods. It’s important to maintain proper oral hygiene after a tooth piercing. Also you need not to touch or play with the jewelry once it is placed.
Typically, drilling is not needed to place a tooth piercing, though some people may have their teeth drilled by a professional. Tooth rings are placed by drilling a hole through the tooth to secure the ring through it. This is not recommended because of irreversible damage to your tooth.
Tooth piercing is a hot trend that involves placing the jewelry on your teeth. It’s done by embedding a jewel into the composite applied to the surface of your tooth. It’s a temporary procedure that doesn’t pose as many risks as other oral piercing techniques.
Still, tooth jewelry can lead to complications. It’s recommended that only people with a healthy mouth and good oral hygiene habits should consider the procedure. It’s important to have dental check-ups every 6 months to make sure that the jewelry is not damaging your teeth or gums. If you choose to get a tooth piercing, make sure that you find a credible and experienced professional to perform the procedure.